Understanding your Objectives

Firstly, we want to understand as much about your project and what you would like to achieve as possible. You may already have a vision and just need help executing it. If that’s you, great! If you’re unsure and need someone to clearly walk you through the possibilities, you’ve come to the right place.

Identifying all the Constraints

Before we get into the detailed design work, we do a thorough investigation into your building site to identify anything that may affect the design and approval of your project. Some of these constraints may be sewer mains, easements, setbacks, bushfire risk, flood risk etc. All of these constraints can be worked around but some solutions may carry extra construction costs. We make sure to lay out all the information out for you early on so there are no surprises or hidden costs when it comes time to build. We offer a number of affordable options to conduct detailed investigations into your site so you know exactly what we need to work around before committing to further design costs.

Concept Plans

Having now understood what you want to achieve and any constraints that may exist on your site, we produce concept site and floor plans for you to review. This is an opportunity for you look over the plans and discuss any changes you might like to make before moving forward.

Detailed Design

This is where you can really see your project come to life. We implement any changes we have talked about and produce a full set of plans, including exterior elevations and perspective views. Again we present these plans to you for review and you are welcome to discuss any changes you’d like to make.

Additional Documentation

Once you have confirmed you are happy with the plans, we complete any additional documentation you may need. If we are handling the approval for you this may include engineering plans, BASIX certificates, Sydney Water approvals, Design Verification statements etc.


All of the plans and documentation need to be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority for their assessment and approval. If the approval is under the Complying Development scheme, this can be issued in as little as 14 days.

Ongoing Support

Once the approval is issued, you can take it to your builder of put it out for tender. If you or your builder have any questions or need amendments to the plans, we are more than happy to help.